Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Get It Right!

Lets be clear a Unicorn is a magical creature that mostly looks like a horse except for that it has a magical horn. Unicorns are often white but they can come in many colors.  Pegasus is a specific dude (divine horse with wings) according to Greek mythology.But since we're all pretty sure Pegasus boned a stable horse or two whilst Hercules wasn't looking theres totally more than one magical horse with wings. A Pegacorn (sometimes Pegakorn) is a Pegasus Unicorn hybrid, and I highly recommend them as pets, since they can fly.
An issue that has come up recently is that people don't know the difference, because they're not educated on proper magical creature and magical creature hybrid identification! This is crap. What are the teaching in schools? I've seen what's on MTV's line-up lately and it certainly isn't sex-ed.
THIS is a Pegasus. Notice the wings. Can it fly?Why yes, it can fly what the hell do you think the wings are for? Does a Pegasus (plural Pegasi) make a good pet? Excellent question! Ummm, so here's the thing, Pegasi are notoriously stubborn, and lippy. So you really have to pay attention to this giant magical horse with wings (the average not magical horse weighs between 900 and 1100 lbs) I do not suggest these guys for city living. Pretty sure you can't get a permit for that....
On the other hand; THEY CAN FLY and your average Pegasus has seating for about four. They are also fiercely loyal, but A molting Pegasus would be a biiiiiitch. What the hell does a giant winged divine horse eat? The same stuff that a normal non-winged divine horse eats, just a fuck ton more. And skittles.
Also Pegasi must be raised from birth, or must choose you. NEVER approach a wild Pegasi. They can get a little crazy. Well what about shelter Pegasi? They need homes too! Calm down, adopting Pegasi from a magical shelter takes a shit ton of paperwork and can only be done in Europe. Plus, in order to adopt a Pegasi or really any magical creature you have to have an above average amount of magical awesomeness in you, which we'll discuss some other time

You already know what a Unicorn looks like since the name is rather self explanatory. That's probably all I need to say, but I'm going to go on about them anyway...'cause I love them. Unicorns are magical and wonderful and full of love and sunshine....and glitter.
PEGACORN although I prefer the alternate spelling PEGAKORN. With a K. Is a Unicorn Pegasus hybrid. Don't be an ass and call it a  Unasus, because that's something different entirely. Pegakorns can fly and are smaller than Pegasi (seating for two adults and a car seat, although I do NOT recommend strapping a baby to a magical flying unicorn). Usually Pegakorns are less lippy than Pegasi, but harder to train since they are part unicorn which are free spirits and are generally more interested in finger painting and star gazing than learning to come when you call. Unlike a Pegasus when a Pegakorn molts they may be inclined to do arts and crafts with the feathers. Which is good news for your vacuum. Do Pegakorns make good pets? I feel that they're kind of the best of both worlds, however, I would rather have a Unicorn, but that's just me.
I really don't recommend trying to keep any of these creatures as pets, unless of course you're a Greek god or a fairy, in which case have at it.
The point here is people it's important to know the difference.  Here are some magical equations to consider when faced with possible magical creature identification

Body of Horse + Horn(1)= Unicorn
Body of Horse + Wings = Pegasus
Body of Horse + Horn(1) + Wings =Pegakorn
Body of Horse = Horse

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Caffeine + Unicorn Poo

     I usually don't drink coffee. In fact until a few weeks ago, when I had to get up at five friggin' AM for work I hadn't in about three years (energy drinks just work better for me.) Long story short, I drank two big cups of iced coffee and felt great. That would have been fine, except for that afterward I drank a NoFear. I almost died. I had the giggles so bad, I felt like I was drunk, I basically had a hangover the next day.
    Two good things resulted from this, not falling asleep at work and me drawing a picture of a unicorn pooping cupcakes.
   Which really got me thinking; What do unicorns poop? Cupcakes? Glitter? Sunshine and rainbows? I mean really, if you google unicorn poop you get pictures of glittery rainbow goo, but I'm inclined to believe that they may poop cupcakes too. Do they fart rainbows? Unlike what my mother claims about her farts I bet their farts actually do smell like roses. Although I feel it would be rather inappropriate to sniff a unicorn's (or any magical creature's) butt. Not cool. Do they burp magic? What is the Horn for? Some say Magic, some say its a Bile duct. Perhaps it's just there to move slower creatures out of the way and gather fruit. Not sure how I feel about that. Than there is the Harry Potter Unicorn story; Their blood is sliver and has some serious healing properties/immortality mojo. Fucking Voldemort kills the unicorns to drink their blood. What an ass. Isn't there a unicorn blood bank or something?

"I Don't believe in Unicorns/Unicorns aren't real." Fuuuuck you. I don't believe in YOU. Batman isn't real. I'm just kidding, Batman is totally real.
 Ok, so I can understand why someone may be skeptical of a magical horned horse, but don't hate on me for believing. There is so much hate, destruction and death in this world, an over population of super happy loving magical creatures doesn't sound too bad.

Friday, June 1, 2012